Workout of the Day
Every other minute for 30 minutes of:
Power clean, 2 reps
Ok folks, it’s time to make some plans! Friday May 20th at 1800, Brad Kerns of the Primal Blueprint.
I know it’s a Friday night and I know you have stuff to do and a family to do it with. Please, make the time for this. Any help in the right direction when it comes to you and your family’s health and nutrition is priceless. Change shifts, call in sick, leave early, send your kids to grandma’s house, whatever you’ve got to do, make it happen! This event is free for all Auburn CrossFit members. Take advantage, this isn’t an everyday opportunity!
A little bit about our speaker:
Brad Kearns will discuss how to implement healthy lifestyle principles based on the popular primal/paleo/evolutionary health movement. He will discuss the central element of the primal eating strategy: how to transition from the carbohydrate dependency caused by the Standard American Diet to become expert at burning fat as your primary fuel source. Brad will also detail complementary lifestyle elements such as a sensible exercise program, the importance of regular movement and variation in daily life, how to optimize sleep habits and how to slow down our hectic pace and improve productivity, focus, stress management, and increased enjoyment of both work and leisure time. Brad is eager to make this an interactive discussion with audience participation, so you can get the guidance and motivation you need to make immediate positive changes in your lifestyle.
Brad is the President of Primal Blueprint Publishing and has worked closely with Mark Sisson since 2008 to promote the Primal Blueprint movement, including writing and publishing more than two dozen books from Sisson and other authors. Brad and Mark recently released their co-authored Primal Endurance, which integrates the primal living principles to the challenge of endurance training and racing. Brad is a former national champion and #3 world-ranked professional triathlete, and longtime author, speak and coach of endurance athletes. Long retired from the professional triathlon circuit, Brad lives in Auburn and his current athletic passions are Speedgolf and High Jumping.